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Homework Websites such as Chegg can lead to allegations of student academic integrity violations. Be careful how and when you use them!Homework Website Chegg Has Featured in Student Misconduct and Academic Integrity Cases, be careful how you use it!
Tractor Trailer Crashes Can be Reduced. Here is how.Tractor Trailer crashes can be made less frequent and less severe through technology.
Academic Integrity, Student Misconduct and Title 9 cases are student emergencies that warrant talking to your guardian or parent and a lawyer before you convict yourself.Academic Integrity, Student Misconduct and Title IX Case are emergencies, Talk to your parents or guardian and a Lawyer!
Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a big and very real medical problemMyofascial Pain Syndrome is a real problem.
MSBA's Lisa Caplan Joins Bob Clark on Everyday LawMaryland State Bar Association's Lisa Caplan Joins Bob Clark and Everyday Law
Judge Michele Hotten returns to Everyday Law!Everyday Law with Host, Bob Clark, welcomes back Court of Appeals Judge, Michele Hotten on February 8, 2021
University of Maryland academic integrity hearings almost always result in a finding that the respondent, student was "responsible" and impose a sanction of 'XF'. Are any better outcomes possible?University of Maryland academic integrity hearings mostly result in a finding of responsibility and a sanction of an XF. Is this inevitable?
Maryland State Bar Association Leaders join Bob Clark and Everyday LawThe Maryland State Bar Association has evidently taken an interest in Everyday Law with Host, Bob Clark.
Injured in a Maryland car crash in 2021? Get ready for an unpredictable outcome.Unpredictability is the order of the day for Maryland car crashe cases in 2021
Facing a student academic integrity or misconduct case? Don't sabotage your defense avoid the big three.Students Often Sabotage Their Own Defense in Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct Cases
Maryland Crash Injury Victims 2021. More of the same ?A new year for Maryland crash victims but don't expect much improvement.
Injured in a Maryland or D.C. car accident while on an Uber or Lyft trip? Know your rights!Unique issues arise in Maryland and D.C. Lyft and Uber Car Accident Cases
Each Maryland University has its own student misconduct system. Navigating them can be very difficult without an attorneyThe University of Maryland state university system includes 12 campuses each with its own student misconduct system. Navigating them can be difficult.
The widespread distribution of covid 19 vaccines will have many positive consequences for victims of personal injury and perhaps some negative ones as well.How a Covid Vaccine affects personal injury claims will be most interesting.
Maryland Jury Trials Halted By Chief Judge's OrderMaryland court jury trials have been suspended again due to an increased incidence of corona virus cases
Trial of Truck Accident Injury Cases in federal court. Should victims consent to magistrate judges in Maryland?If your Maryland truck accident case finds its way to federal court, should you elect to have a federal judge try it or agree to a magistrate judge?
While case values fluctuate, taking a discount to settle now rather than experience the post- covid 19 delays may be worth consideration.Case values fluctuate but court delays in the covid era may warrant considering taking a discount
With Covid Making Court Appearances Unsafe Why Shouldn't 10-104 Apply to Larger Maryland Personal Injury Cases?Maryland Evidentiary Rule 10-104 Admitting Medical Bills and Records Into Evidence Absent a Doctor Should Apply To Larger Cases.
Auto Accident Trials in Maryland's District Courts Have Certain Consistent Realities and Outcomes. For a Better Outcome Take a look.Maryland Auto Accident Trials in District Court Have Certain Consistent Realities
Despite Pandemic Some Maryland Courts are Open and Expecting You.Some Maryland Courts are Open and Expecting Litigants in Person.