Pool and Spa Safety: No More Drownings?

Americans love their pools. Summertime and the living is easy. Unfortunately, pools have an obvious danger, drowning.
They also have less obvious dangers including suction entrapment which kills and catastrophically injures every year.
Several years ago in Maryland a younster was disemboweled in such a suction entrapment matter.

As a result of these dangers the United States Congress signed into law the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act in 2007.

This law which became operative in December 2008 works to reduce pool and spa drownings and other catastrophic injuries and to educate the public as to dangers and how to avoid them.

The most obvious measures are appropriate supervision and fencing to keep toddlers and other non-swimmers from climbing into pools and spas. Less obvious, the use of anti-entrapment drain covers in public pools and spas.

The fact is that keeping pools clean and hygenic requires filtering of pool water and that in turn requires suprisingly powerful suction-based drains.

The bottom-line, common-sense and good adult supervision. For more go to: http://www.poolsafety.gov/
Robert V. Clark
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer