Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Jerry Buting Returns to Everyday Law with Host, Bob Clark

It's been a few years since Jerry Buting has joined Everyday Law and host, Bob Clark for a conversation. Consequently a two episode show was in order.

The first episode touches on how odd it was for Jerry and Dean Strang to become overnight international celebrities as a result of the prowess they displayed in Making a Murderer. While both were highly regarded criminal defense attorneys neither were conspicuously famous. That changed overnight and was a dual-edged sword.

The program moves on to discuss another newsworthy case featured on CBS 48 hours in which Jerry and his wife, Kathy Stilling represented Todd Kendhammer in a highly unusual murder trial which illustrated the difficulties of criminal defendants receiving fair trials untainted by prosecutorial prejudice.

While prosecutors are required to prove each element of their case " beyond a reasonable doubt" the Steven Avery and Todd Kendhammer cases illustrate how difficult it can be to hold prosecutors and jurors to that standard. Don't miss it: 

Robert V. Clark
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer