Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a big and very real medical problem
Periodically, clients of our firm are perplexed by their healthcare provider's inability to make them better and to diagnose their underlying injury. Myelograms, MRIs, x-rays and other diagnostic testing are unavailing and finally the doctor's last refuge is to diagnose " muscle strain or pain". This diagnosis isn't very helpful and is often scorned by insurance companies and their hand-picked medical experts. Frequently a secondary diagnosis or " myofascial pain syndrome" is arrived at and this often confuses things further. Basically, muscles are covered by connective tissue called fascia and both myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia, contemplate an irritation of this material resulting in muscle pain. Fibromyaliga is a more widespread version of myofascitis. The problem of course is that their isn't some definitive way of diagnosing this condition outside the patient's "subjective complaints." Thus, in a car or truck accident injury case, the insurance defense lawyers attempt to make hay over the absence of a diagnostic criteria. Myofascitis is also problematic as it can affect muscle groups or areas away from the area thought to have been injured in the accident. There are a variety of palliative measures for this condition, including pain medications, physical therapy, dry needling and trigger-point injections. The best proof of the existence of such a condition comes in the form of medical experts who deal regularly with it and unhesitatingly seek to address it despite the absence of clear diagnostic confirmation.
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer