These are the important things to bring to your first meeting with a lawyer concerning yourcar or truck crash case.


Okay, you have decided to meet with a lawyer concerning a car or truck collision case, what should you bring with you?

  1. Police Report. The police report or at least the police report number, so the lawyer can understand who was involved, when, where and why. Police reports are not infallible and often have mistakes but they are the starting point for your legal professional gaining insight into how the crash was viewed by public safety officers. 
  2. Medical information. Were you taken to the hospital and if so by whom, when and why? If not, have you seen a healthcare professional for crash-related injuries? What diagnoses were made, what treatment was suggested, were you given an off-work slip, for how long and what work limitations were recommended? Do you have any accompanying bills and who is paying them?

  3. Car or truck insurance information. Any information on the at-fault drivers insurance company including claim numbers, adjuster names and phone numbers. Your personal auto insurer information including policy numbers, and declaration sheets reflecting the coverages that you have paid for (You may need them if the other driver proves to be uninsured or inadequately insured).

  4. Health insurance information. The most important post-accident thing you can do is get well as quickly and completely as possible. In order to do so, many victims of car accidents require extensive and intensive medical treatment. Obtaining such treatment requires assurance that the healthcare professionals will be paid. Your health insurance (If you have it) is a vitally important cog in this and if you are on Medicaid or Medicare it is imperative that your attorney knows.

  5. Work information. If your collision injuries mean you will miss time from work, your lawyer will want to obtain evidence of how much money you have lost. This information will often require written documentation from your supervisor of H.R. department reflecting what dates you missed, how much you would have made etc. Bringing in pre-accident pay stubs can be very useful.


Robert V. Clark
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer
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