Shocking news! Maryland car crash liability adjusters routinely don't return calls!
If you are representing yourself in such a claim it isn't just you. Allan and I call adjusters every work day and they are almost always unavailable and we leave messages on their voicemail.
Usually when they don't answer there is a nonsense message about how they will return your call by the end of the business day. Sometimes they qualify their return obligations by suggesting that calls received after 3:00 pm will be returned the next day. Of course they almost never do.
I just called a State Farm adjuster ten minutes ago whom I called on January 1, 2024 and then on February 5, 2024 and neither call has been returned. They won't return this one either and interestingly State Farm provides no recourse for this systemic behavior that deprives their insureds of the ability to avoid being sued.
Think about it, a State Farm driver causes a crash that injures some innocent party and that person's attorney attempts to provide State Farm relevant medical and lost work information but can't elicit a return call for months. So the lawyer sues the State Farm insured who caused the collision because they can't engage in the most basic discussion for their client's claim. Bizarre.
Some insurance companies include the name and phone number of the adjuster's supervisor on the voicemail prompt in recognition that sometimes adjusters don't return calls. I hate calling the supervisor because I worry that doing so can affect the adjuster's work status but it does get responses.
So if you are representing yourself and calling the adjsuter about your injuries don't despair!