Getting Crash Related Medical Bills and Records before a District Court Judge has never been easier with 10-104.

medical records billsPeriodically sensible changes to the law come along that save everyone time and money including the litigants and judges. Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article Section 10-104 is just such a beast.

The legal provision enables litigants in personal injury cases to introduce into evidence their medical records and bills without the presence of a healthcare provider witness at trial. This has several notable benefits to injured victims of car and truck accidents. First, no doctor at trial means an enormous monetary savings. Second, having the trial judge read the records means a substantial reduction in how long a trial takes and consequently more cases can be reached.

Doctors routinely charge several thousand dollars to appear at trial or alternately in videotape depositions. This phenomenon meant that smaller cases simply couldn't be tried  as the cost was prohibitive. To be clear, the insurance industry and its army of lawyers obtain a similar savings as they too can introduce medical evidence into trial without a doctor present.

The basic provisions of 10-104 as applied to plaintiffs is that at least 60 days before trial they must notify the defendant or defendants in writing of the medical records and bills they intend to introduce into evidence along with a copy of those records and bills.

While there are some other provisos in the law, the most significant limiting language is that the injured party can use it in either Maryland District or Circuit Court but only in seeking damages up to $30,000.00

Robert V. Clark
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer
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